Step 1

Keep the clear bandage on! No sweaty things! Keep cool! Relax! Chill! It will get juicy in there. Totally normal. Showers are fine - the bandage is waterproof though just like with a Bandaid, I wouldn’t stick on a Bandaid and then immediately go home to take a steaming hot bath. Give it a few hours to really adhere.

Step 1B

If I’ve given you a second bandage - for heavily filled tattoos or for big tattoos on sweaty summer days. Skip otherwise.

If you find yourself sweating a ton or that there is a ton of fluid buildup in the next day or two, remove the bandage in the shower. The heat and liquid will loosen the adhesive a bit. Be gentle when peeling the bandage away. Give the tattoo a big soap down with unscented bottle soap. Out of the shower, give the tattoo a complete pat down with a clean paper towel. Pat - don’t rub - the tattoo dry. Do not apply moisturizer and instead apply the new clear bandage and leave on for another two or three days. 

Step 2

After 2 or 3 days, remove the bandage in the shower. The heat and liquid will loosen the adhesive a bit. Be gentle when peeling the bandage away. Give the tattoo a big soap down with unscented bottle soap. Out of the shower, give the tattoo a complete pat down with a clean paper towel. Pat - don’t rub - the tattoo dry. Apply a small amount of moisturizer all over.

Recommended moisturizers include your basic, unscented moisturizers such as Aveeno, Lubriderm, Cetaphil. Avoid products with petroleum as it is very easy to overdo with these.

Less is more. Don’t reseal or re-wrap in seran wrap. Just let it breath. 

Step 3

Over the course of the next week or so- wash at least twice a day and moisturize as needed. If you find that you’re out and about and getting sweaty, wash/moisturize even more. Try not to let the tattooed area stay sweaty for long as the longer you do, the more chance bacteria has to replicate on the wound. 

Keep it clean. Keep it lightly moisturized.

It will itch. Do not scratch it.

Avoid sunblock/sunscreen for the next two weeks while your tattoo is healing - instead keep it loosely covered if you must be out in the sun. After it’s healed, definitely use sun protection. 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all during the healing process!